Friday, June 13, 2008


(INFORMAL) You use "stuff" when you talk about a group of things or ideas. Also when you refer to a substance, material, a product or any kind of matter. Or when you don't want to be specific about something.

There's sticky stuff all over the chair.

We'll have to carry all our camping stuff.

Can you bring your stuff (possessions) from the van?

All that stuff she has been saying about Charlie is bullshit.

I need some stuff to clean the floor.

I don't believe all that astrology stuff.

Can I leave my stuff here?

"Don't sweat the small stuff"

"That singer is hot stuff" (When somebody or something is very popular)

"That's cool stuff" (when you refer to something very popular or cool)

Ripley always has great stuff at very reasonable prices.

I went to Buenos Aires and brought great stuff with me. Let me show you.

We've heard all this stuff before. Don't you have anything new to offer.

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